

Irish Currency Format in Gravity Forms Fix

Ireland is a bit of an outlier in the EU because unlike most other countries we use a decimal point rather than a comma to indicate cents. So in...

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June 14, 2024, Written by 0 comment

StageWP – New WordPress Staging Service

Introducing StageWP If you a web designer, blogger, or digital creator looking  you might be looking for a hassle-free WordPress solution? StageWP helps with launching WordPress with ease.  It...

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June 7, 2024, Written by 0 comment

Every now and then it’s useful to know a client’s IP address. If you have ever wondered what your IP address is but were not quite sure how to...

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March 12, 2024, Written by 0 comment

Reported WordPress Vulnerabilities Continue to Increase

In the landscape of digital security, WordPress commands the stage as the most utilised content management system (CMS), powering a myriad of websites worldwide. This dominance, however, also places...

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March 7, 2024, Written by 0 comment

Critical Vulnerability in WooCommerce Payments Plugin Enables Site Takeover through User Impersonation

A security vulnerability has been discovered in the WooCommerce Payments plugin by Automatic that poses a severe threat to the security of online stores and it classified as critical...

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March 23, 2023, Written by 0 comment

Design and Run – Website Ditched Faster than a Hot Snot

All is going well. Your graphic designer or agency has put together your WordPress site based upon the lovely screenshots they put together at the beginning of the process...

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June 29, 2018, Written by 0 comment

WordPress Updates to Version 4.9 ‘Tipton’

WordPress 4.9 ‘Tipton’ Like other versions of WordPress their latest update is names after a jazz legend. This time the doff their hat to jazz pianist, saxophonist and bandleader...

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November 21, 2017, Written by 0 comment

Google Chrome’s ‘Not Secure’ Warning for Sites with no SSL Certificate

Http ‘Not Secure’ A number of clients have recently received messages from Google Search Console letting them know that Google Chrome will begin to show a ‘NOT SECURE’ warning...

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August 22, 2017, Written by 0 comment

Brand New WordPress Hosting and Maintenance Service

WordPress is a hugely popular content management system (CMS) powering 28% of all websites on the web and accounting for 59% of all content management systems. In Ireland it...

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August 16, 2017, Written by 0 comment