
Author: Andrew

Irish Currency Format in Gravity Forms Fix

Ireland is a bit of an outlier in the EU because unlike most other countries we use a decimal point rather than a comma to indicate cents. So in...

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June 14, 2024, Written by 0 comment

StageWP – New WordPress Staging Service

Introducing StageWP If you a web designer, blogger, or digital creator looking  you might be looking for a hassle-free WordPress solution? StageWP helps with launching WordPress with ease.  It...

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June 7, 2024, Written by 0 comment

Every now and then it’s useful to know a client’s IP address. If you have ever wondered what your IP address is but were not quite sure how to...

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March 12, 2024, Written by 0 comment

Reported WordPress Vulnerabilities Continue to Increase

In the landscape of digital security, WordPress commands the stage as the most utilised content management system (CMS), powering a myriad of websites worldwide. This dominance, however, also places...

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March 7, 2024, Written by 0 comment

Critical Vulnerability in WooCommerce Payments Plugin Enables Site Takeover through User Impersonation

A security vulnerability has been discovered in the WooCommerce Payments plugin by Automatic that poses a severe threat to the security of online stores and it classified as critical...

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March 23, 2023, Written by 0 comment

WordPress Updates to Version 4.9 ‘Tipton’

WordPress 4.9 ‘Tipton’ Like other versions of WordPress their latest update is names after a jazz legend. This time the doff their hat to jazz pianist, saxophonist and bandleader...

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November 21, 2017, Written by 0 comment

Google Chrome’s ‘Not Secure’ Warning for Sites with no SSL Certificate

Http ‘Not Secure’ A number of clients have recently received messages from Google Search Console letting them know that Google Chrome will begin to show a ‘NOT SECURE’ warning...

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August 22, 2017, Written by 0 comment

Brand New WordPress Hosting and Maintenance Service

WordPress is a hugely popular content management system (CMS) powering 28% of all websites on the web and accounting for 59% of all content management systems. In Ireland it...

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August 16, 2017, Written by 0 comment